Joaquim Fort
Departament de Fisica
Building (edifici) P2, 2nd floor, office (despatx) 216. joaquim.fort(AT)
Additional info                           Complex Systems Lab                           BEQUES per a fer la tesi                           Divulgacio                           Curriculum abreujat

2021 ICREA Academia award, Humanities (2022-2026)
2014 ICREA Academia award, Humanities (2015-2020)
Full professor (Catedratic d'universitat), Physics (2009-present)

SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS      Citations        ORCID: 0000-0003-2647-8558, researcher ID: H-7140-2015
134. Fort J Demic versus cultural diffusion in Neolithic spread: bringing together archaeological, ethnographic and genetic data submitted (2025)
133. Fort J Tendencies in the tempo of premodern agricultural expansions submitted (2025)
132. Pardo-Gordo S, Fort J Initial growth rates of prehistoric populations: a comparative analysis of early Neolithic groups in the Iberian Peninsula Munibe Monographs. Anthropology and Archaeology Series in press (2025) Data
131. Fort J, Perez-Losada J Interbreeding between farmers and hunter-gatherers along the inland and Mediterranean routes of Neolithic spread in Europe Nature Comm 15, 7032 (2024)
          Supp Info    Supp Data    Supp Files List    Peer Review File    Rep Summary    Fig Source Data    Codes (Fortran programs): readme, Figs. 1-3-4-5 inland, Figs. 1-3 sea, Fig. S1a inland, Fig. S1a sea
          Featured by Infobae,   El Punt Avui +,   Univ. de Girona
130. Bancells P, Fort J Cultural versus demic diffusion in agricultural expansions according to three definitions of dispersal distances Archaeol. Anthropol. Sci. 16, 39 (2024) SI   Data
129. Perez-Losada J, Fort J Diffusion of humans out of Africa and the phonemic diversity cline Diffusion Fundamentals 38, 001 (2023)
128. Fort J Neolithic transitions: diffusion of people or diffusion of culture? in Diffusive spreading in nature, technology and society, ed. A Bunde, J Caro, J K rger, G Vogl (Springer, Cham, 2023), pp.327-346
127. Fort J Dispersal distances and cultural effects in the spread of the Neolithic along the northern Mediterranean coast Archaeol. Anthropol. Sci. 14, 153 (2022)
           SI database, SI text, Codes (Fortran programs): forward only, forward and backward.    Included in Neolithic Miscellany 31/7/22
126. Fort J Prehistoric spread rates and genetic clines Hum. Popul. Genet. Genom. 2, 0003, 1-36 (2022) Featured by the editors
125. Fort J The spread of agriculture: quantitative laws in prehistory? In Simulating Transitions to Agriculture in Prehistory, ed. S Pardo-Gord and S Bergin (Springer, Cham, 2021), pp. 17-28.
124. Fort J Front propagation and cultural transmission. Theory and application to Neolithic transitions Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 148, 111060, 1-11 (2021)
123. Fort J Biased dispersal can explain fast human range expansions Sci. Rep. 10, 9036, 1-10 (2020) Supp Info Featured in Nature Behavioural and Social Sciences Community (blog)
122. Fort J, Pareta M M Long-distance dispersal effects and Neolithic waves of advance J. Arch. Sci. 119, 105148, 1-11 (2020) Text S1   Table S1 (Data)
121. Fort J Genetica antigua: un nuevo camino para desentranar el pasado de la humanidad Investigacion y Ciencia 523, 91-92 (Abril 2020)
           Book review of Who we are and how we got here, by David Reich. Spanish edition of Scientific American
120. Isern N, Fort J Assessing the importance of cultural diffusion in the Bantu spread into southeastern Africa PLoS One 14, e0215573, 1-18 (2019)
           S1 Text   S1 Data    Featured by El Punt Avui, Diari de Girona print & web editions, Catalunya Informacio , Univ de Girona
119. Cobo J M, Fort J, Isern N The spread of rice in eastern and southeastern Asia was mainly demic J. Arch. Sci. 101, 123 130 (2019) Supp Info   Database
118. Fort J Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza (1922-2018) Human Biology 90, 89-95 (2018)
117. Fort J Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza: simbiosis de ciencia y humanidades Investigacion y Ciencia 505, 12-13 (Octubre 2018) Spanish edition of Scientific American
116. Fort J, Pareta M M, Sorensen L Estimating the relative importance of demic and cultural diffusion in the spread of the Neolithic in Scandinavia
        J. R. Soc. Interface 15, 20180597 (2018)  Supp Info   Database   Highlighted in the journal cover and featured in the Royal Society twitter
115. Perez-Losada J, Fort J A serial founder effect model of phonemic diversity based on phonemic loss in low-density populations   PLoS One 13, e0198346 (2018)
          Supp Info: S1 Text   S1 Database   S1 Software  S2 Software
114. Fort J The Neolithic transition: diffusion of people or diffusion of culture? in Diffusive spreading in nature, technology and society, ed. A Bunde, J Caro, J K rger, G Vogl (Springer, Berlin, 2018), pp. 313-331
113. Isern N, Fort J, de Rioja V L The ancient cline of haplogroup K implies that the Neolithic transition in Europe was mainly demic   Sci. Rep. 7, 11229 (2017)
          Supp Texts   Supp Data   Program S1  Program S2  Program S3  Program S4  Program S5
          Featured by Russian Information Agency (RIA Novosti) 12/09/2017   Spanish version;     History Forum (Geschichtsforum) 16/9/2017
112. Isern N, Zilhao J, Fort J, Ammerman A J Modeling the role of voyaging in the coastal spread of the early Neolithic in the West Mediterranean
       PNAS 114, 897 902 (2017)   Supp. Info. Appendix     Database   Program files
          Featured by News Network Archaeology, Colgate University, El Temps, La Vanguardia Diari de Girona, Pileta de Prehistoria, El Gerio , Univ de Barcelona, Univ de Girona
111. Fort J, P rez-Losada J Can a linguistic serial founder effect originating in Africa explain the worldwide phonemic cline? J. R. Soc. Interface 13, 20160185 (2016). SI: data, text

110. de Rioja V L, Isern N, Fort J A mathematical approach to virus therapy of glioblastomas Biology Direct 11, 1-12 (2016)
109. Isern N, Fort J Modelling cultural shift: application to processes of language displacement in Simulating prehistoric and ancient worlds, ed. J A Barcelo and F del Castillo (Springer, Berlin, 2016), chapter 7, pp. 219-232
108. Fort J, Isern N, Jerardino A, Rondelli B Population spread and cultural transmission in Neolithic transitions in Simulating prehistoric and ancient worlds, ed. J A Barcelo and F del Castillo (Springer, 2016), chapter 5, pp. 189-197
107. Fort J, Crema E, Madella M Modeling demic and cultural diffusion: an introduction Human Biology 87 (3), 141-149 (2015)
106. Fort J Modelos matematicos de la transicion neolitica Investigacion y Ciencia 466, 58-65 (Julio 2015). Spanish edition of Scientific American
105. Fort J Demic and cultural diffusion propagated the Neolithic transition across different regions of Europe J. R. Soc. Interface 12, 20150166 (2015) Supp Info
           Featured by Investigacion y Ciencia (SciLogs)
104. de Rioja V L, Fort J, Isern N Front propagation speeds of T7 virus mutants J. Theor. Biol. 385, 112-118 (2015)
103. Jerardino A, Fort J, Isern N, Rondelli B Cultural diffusion was the main driving mechanism of the Neolithic transition in southern Africa PLoS ONE 9, e113672, 1-19 (2014)
102. Amor D R, Fort J Cohabitation reaction-diffusion model for virus focal infections Physica A 416, 611 619 (2014)
101. Isern N, Fort J, Carvalho AF, Gibaja JF, Ibanez JJ The Neolithic transition in the Iberian Peninsula: data analysis and modelling J. Arch. Method & Theory 21, 447-460 (2014)  SI
100. Isern N, Fort J Language extinction and linguistic fronts J. Roy. Soc. Interface 11, 20140028, 1-9 (2014)
           Featured in American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) press release , La Vanguardia, El Punt Avui Barcelona Girona, Ara, Diari de Girona
           Catalunya radio, UAB, Europa Press, Radio Girona (cadena Ser), Radio 4, Radio municipal de Girona, UdG
99. Amor D R, Fort J Lag-driven motion in front propagation Physica A 392, 4946-4955 (2013)
98. Fort J, Sole R V Accelerated tumor invasion under non-isotropic cell dispersal in glioblastomas New J. Phys. 15, 055001, 1-10 (2013) Supp Info
97. Fort J, Perez-Losada J, Sunol JJ Electric fire hazards at home and in the classroom Phys. Educ. 48, 558-560 (2013)
96. Fort J Synthesis between demic and cultural diffusion in the Neolithic transition in Europe
       PNAS 109, 18669-18673 (2012)     Supp Info
95. Fort J, Perez-Losada J Front speed of language replacement Human Biology 84, 755 772 (2012)
94. Isern N, Fort J, vander Linden M Space competition and time delays in human range expansions. Application to the Neolithic transition PLoS ONE 7, e51106, 1-9 (2012)
        Supp Info: Table S1    Fig S1    Fig S2    Fig S3
93. Isern N, Fort J Modelling the effect of mesolithic populations on the slowdown of the Neolithic transition J. Arch. Sci. 39, 3671-3676 (2012)
92. Fort J, Pujol T, Vander Linden M Modelling the Neolithic transition in the Near East and Europe American Antiquity 77, 203-220 (2012)
         Supp Data 1, Supp Data 2 Fortran programs and data files: 1234567891011.    Highlighted by Society for American Archaeology (American Antiquity), January 2014
91. Amor D R, Fort J Effects of punishment in a mobile population playing the prisoner's dilemma game Phys. Rev. E 84, 066115, 1-10 (2011)
90. Isern N, Fort J Cohabitation effect on the slowdown of the Neolithic expansion Europhys. Lett. 96, 58002, 1-5 (2011) Supp Data
89. Fort J Vertical cultural transmission effects on demic front propagation: Theory and application to the Neolithic transition in Europe Phys. Rev. E 83, 056124, 1-10 (2011)
88. Perez-Losada J, Fort J Spatial dimensions increase the effect of cultural drift J. Arch. Sci. 38, 1294-1299 (2011) Supp Info
87. Isern N, Fort J Anisotropic dispersion, space competition and the slowdown of the Neolithic transition New J. Phys. 12, 123002, 1-9 (2010)
      Featured in Institute of Physics (UK) press release, European Commission (CORDIS Express), Science Daily, redorbit, Global talent news,
Video abstract , Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovaci n (SINC) , Diari de Girona 15-02-2011, UdG 14-02-2011
86. Perez-Losada J, Fort J Age-dependent mortality, fecundity and mobility effects on front speeds: theory and application to the Neolithic transition
      J. Stat. Mechs.: Theor. & Exp. 2010, P11006, 1-13 (2010)
85. Amor D R, Fort J Virus infection speeds: theory versus experiment Phys. Rev. E 82, 061905, 1-9 (2010) Featured in El Punt, Diari de Girona (sumari), Catalunya radio, UdG
84. Amor D R, Fort J Fronts from two-dimensional dispersal kernels: beyond the non-overlapping generations model Phys. Rev. E 80, 051918, 1-9 (2009)
83. Isern N, Fort J Time-delayed reaction-diffusion fronts Phys. Rev. E 80, 057103, 1-4 (2009)
82. Pujol T, Fort J, Montoro L, Sunol J J Generalized analytical expressions for the burning velocity in a combustion model with non-constant transport coefficients and several specific heats Physica A 388, 4959-4972 (2009)
81. Fort J Mathematical models of the Neolithic transition: a review for non-mathematicians British Arch. Rep. Int. S1964, 211-216 (2009)
80. Isern N, Fort J, Perez-Losada J Realistic dispersion kernels applied to cohabitation reaction-dispersion equations J. Stat. Mechs.: Theor. & Exp. 2008, P10012, 1-17 (2008)
79. Fort J, Pujol T Progress in front propagation research Rep. Prog. Phys. 71, 086001, 1-41 (2008)
78. Fort J, Perez-Losada J, Sunol JJ, Escoda L, Massaneda JM Integro-difference equations for interacting species and the Neolithic transition New J. Phys. 10, 43045, 1-18 (2008)
77. Pujol T, Fort J, Gonzalez J R, Montoro L, Pelegri M Bounds for the speed of combustion flames: the effect of mass diffusion Physica A 387, 1987-1998 (2008)
76. Sunol JJ, Fort J Materials developed by mechanical alloying and melt spinning Int. Rev. Phys. 2, 31-35 (2008)
75. Sunol JJ, Escoda L, Fort J, Perez-Losada J, Pujol T Structural and magnetic properties of a nanocrystalline FeNbSiB alloy produced by mechanical alloying Mat. Lett. 62, 1673-1676 (2008)
74. Fort J, Pujol T Time-delayed fronts from biased random walks New J. Phys. 9, 234, 1-14 (2007)
73. Fort J, Perez-Losada J, Isern N Fronts from integro-difference equations and persistence effects on the Neolithic transition Phys. Rev. E 76, 031913, 1-10 (2007)
72. Fort J Fronts from complex two-dimensional dispersal kernels: theory and application to Reid's paradox J. Appl. Phys. 101, 094701, 1-7 (2007)
71. Ortega-Cejas V, Fort J, Mendez V Time-delayed predator prey and competition wavefronts. Theory and comparison to experimental observations Physica A 366, 299-307 (2006)
70. Fort J, Perez-Losada J, Ubeda E, Garcia F J Fronts with continuous waiting-time distributions: theory and application to virus infections Phys. Rev. E 73, 021907, 1-8 (2006)
69. Campos D, Fort J, Mendez V Transport on fractal river networks: Application to migration fronts Theor. Popul. Biol. 69, 88-93 (2006)
68. Jana D, Fort J On Mott conductivity exponents of pseudo-gap amorphous systems in Frontiers in Cond Matt Phys Res ed. J.V. Chang, Nova Sci. Publs, N.Y., pp. 111-128 (2006)
67. Pinhasi R, Fort J, Ammerman AJ Tracing the origin and spread of agriculture in Europe
      PLoS Biology 3, e410, 2220-2228 (2005)
      Supp Info: Protocol S1      Table S1      Table S2      Text S1      Text S2      Text S3
      Featured in PLoS Biology
66. Fort J Energy conservation can predict intervals of time Phys. Educ. 40, 321-322 (2005) La conservacion de la energia puede predecir intervalos de tiempo
65. Pujol T, Fort J, Mendez V Consequences of inter-specific competition among multiple adaptive species in Daisyworld
Theor. & Appl. Climatol. 81, 137-147 (2005)
64. Ortega-Cejas V, Fort J Mendez V Role of the delay time in the modelling of biological range expansions Ecology 85, 258-264 (2004)
63. Fort J, Pujol T, Cavalli-Sforza LL Palaeolithic populations and waves of advance
      Cambridge Archaeol. J. 14, 53-61 (2004)

         Featured in Diari de Girona 16-05-2010
62. Fort J , Jana D, Humet J M Multidelayed random walks: theory and application to the neolithic transition in Europe Phys. Rev. E 70, 031913, 1-6 (2004)
61. Fort J , Campos D, Gonzalez J R, Velayos J Bounds for the propagation speed of combustion flames J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 37, 7185-7198 (2004)
60. Campos D, Llebot J E, Fort J Reaction-Diffusion pulses: a combustion model J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 37, 6609-6621 (2004)
59. Campos D, Fort J, Mendez V Propagation through fractal media: the Sierpinski Gasket and the Koch curve Europhys. Lett. 68, 769-775 (2004)
58. Mendez V, Campos D, Fort J Speed of travelling fronts: two-dimensional and ballistic dispersal probability distributions Europhys. Lett. 66, 902-908 (2004)
57. Roura P, Fort J Local thermodynamic derivation of Young's equation J. Colloid. Interface Sci. 272, 420-409 (2004)
56. Ortega-Cejas V, Fort J, Mendez V, Campos D Approximate solution to the speed of spreading viruses Phys. Rev. E 69, 031909, 1-4 (2004)
55. Mendez V, Campos D, Fort J Dynamical features of reaction-diffusion fronts in fractals Phys. Rev. E 69, 016613, 1-7 (2004)
54. Campos D, Mendez V, Fort J Description of diffusive and propagative behaviour on fractals Phys. Rev. E 69, 031115, 1-5 (2004) UAB divulg@ Sept 2004
53. Jana D, Fort J A simple scaling approach to Mott conductivity Physica B 344, 62-65 (2004)
52. Mendez V, Fort J, Rotstein H, Fedotov S Speed of reaction-diffusion fronts in spatially heterogeneous media Phys. Rev. E 68, 041105, 1-11 (2003)
51. Mendez V, Fort J, Pujol T The speed of reaction-diffusion wavefronts in nonsteady media J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 36, 3983-3993 (2003)
50. Mendez V, Fort J, Pujol T Effect of initial conditions on the speed of reaction-diffusion fronts Phys. Rev. E 67, 016213, 1-6 (2003)
49. Fort J Population expansion in the western Pacific (Austronesia): a wave of advance model  Antiquity 77, (number 297) 520-530 (Sept. 2003)
48. Campos D, Fort J, Llebot J E Reaction-diffusion wavefronts: Multi-generation biological species under climate change Phys. Rev. E 66, 062901, 1-4 (2002)
47. Fort J, Mendez V Time-delayed spread of viruses in growing plaques Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 178101, 1-4 (2002) 
      Featured by American Physical Society
46. Fort J Journals' online access costs are a shared burden Phys. Today, June, p.10 (2002)
45. Pujol T, Fort J The effect of atmospheric absorption of sunlight on the runaway greenhouse point J. Geophys. Res. D 107, 4566, 1-7 (2002)
44. Fort J, Méndez V Wavefronts in time-delayed systems. Theory and comparison to experiment Rep. Progr. Phys. 65, 895-954 (2002)
43. Cukrowski A S, Fort J, Fritzsche S Simple models for nonequilibrium effects in bimolecular chemical reactions Acta Phys. Polon. B 33, 1085-1102 (2002)
42. Pujol T, Fort J States of maximum entropy production in a one-dimensional vertical model with convective adjustment Tellus 54A, 363-369 (2002)
41. Mendez V, Pujol T, Fort J Dispersal probability distributions and the wavefront speed problem Phys. Rev. E 65, 041109, 1-6 (2002)
40. Farjas J, Das D, Fort J, Roura P Calorimetry of hydrogen desorption from a-Si nanoparticles Phys. Rev. B 65, 115403, 1-5 (2002) Erratum
39. Fort J, Méndez V On approximate solutions to the wavefront speed problem J. Stat. Phys. 107, 805-820 (2002)
38. Roura P, Fort J Comment on Effects of the surface roughness on sliding angles of water droplets on superhydrophobic surfaces Langmuir 18, 566-569 (2002)
37. Fort J A comment on amplification and spread of viruses in a growing plaque J. Theor. Biol. 214, 515-518 (2002)>
36. Vasconcellos A R, Fort J, Jou D, Luzzi R Thermodynamics of nonequilibrium radiation (II). Irreversible evolution and experimental setup Physica A 300, 403-416 (2001)
35. Vasconcellos A R, Fort J, Jou D, Luzzi R Thermodynamics of nonequilibrium radiation (I). General theory Physica A 300, 386-402 (2001)
34. Cukrowski A S, Fritzsche S, Fort J Nonequilibrium effects on the rate of bimoleular chemical reaction in a dilute gas Chem. Phys. Lett. 341, 585-593 (2001)
33. Mendez V, Fort J Speed of reaction-transport processes Phys. Rev. E 64, 011105, 1-4 (2001)
32. Roura P, Fort J Equilibrium of drops on inclined hydrophilic surfaces Phys. Rev. E 64, 011601, 1-5 (2001)
31. Fort J, Pujol T, Cukrowski A S Several-temperature systems: extended irreversible thermodynamics and thermal wavefront propagation J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 33, 6953-6973 (2000)
30. Mendez V, Fort J Dynamical evolution of discrete epidemic models Physica A 284, 309-317 (2000)
29. Roura P, Fort J, Saurina J How long does it take to boil an egg? A simple approach to the energy transfer equation Eur. J. Phys. 21, 95-100 (2000)
28. Mendez V, Fort J Irreversible thermodynamics of Poisson processes with reaction Phys. Rev. E 60, 6168-6171 (1999)
27. Mendez V, Fort J, Farjas J Speed of wavefront solutions to hyperbolic reaction-diffusion equations Phys. Rev. E 60, 5231-5243 (1999)
26. Fort J, Méndez V Reaction-diffusion waves of advance in the transition to agricultural economics Phys. Rev. E 60, 5894-5901 (1999)
25. Fort J, Méndez V Time-delayed theory of the Neolithic transition in Europe Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 867-870 (1999)

    Featured in Physics News Update (American Physical Society)
                        Physics News Graphics (American Institute of Physics)
                        De Volkskrant
: Spanish, Dutch versions
                        El Pais            ABC           El medi Ambient, TV3 (Science TV program, 1999)
24. Fort J, Roura P A comparison between information-theoretic and phenomenological descriptions of nonequilibrium radiation J. Stat. Phys. 97, 941-955 (1999)
23. Fort J, Jou D, Llebot J E Temperature and measurement: comparison between two models of nonequilibrium radiation Physica A 269, 439-454 (1999)
22. Fort J, González J A, Llebot J E, Saurina J Information Theory and blackbody radiation Contemporary Physics 40, 57-70 (1999)
21. Fort J On the nonequilibrium generalization of the Wien displacement Phys. Lett. A 253, 266-272 (1999)
20. Fort J, Llebot J E, Pujol T Extended Thermodynamics of heat transport and energy equilibration in radiative systems J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 32, 3095-3104 (1999)
19. Fort J Predictions from informational-theoretical models of nonequilibrium radiation Phys. Rev. E 59, 3710-3713 (1999)
18. Fort J, Casas-Vázquez J, Méndez V Extended Irreversible Thermodynamics of chemically-reacting systems J. Phys. Chem. B 103, 861-867 (1999)
17. Pujol T, Llebot J E, Fort J Greenhouse gases and climatic states of minimum entropy production J. Geophys. Res. D 104, 24257-24263 (1999)
16. Sancho P, Llebot J E, Fort J Information-statistical extended thermodynamics and turbulent-induced heat flux inhibition Open Systs. & Info. Dyn. 6, 415-426 (1999)
15. Roura P, Costa J, López-de-Miguel M, Garrido B, Fort J, Morante J R, Bertran E Blackbody emission from nanostructured materials J. Lumin. 80, 519-522 (1999)
        Also cited in Sci Cit Index as: Blackbody..., in Light emission from Silicon: Progress towards Si-based optoelectronics (Elsevier), Eur. Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 77
14. Costa J, Fort J, Roura P, Viera G, Bertran E, Froyen L Microstructural study of mechanically allowyed aluminium with nanometer size Silicon Carbide powder
       in Metal Matrix Composites, Proc. 1998 Powder Metallurgy World Congress, Granada (Spain), vol. 5, 110-115 (1998).    ISBN: 1-899072-09-8.

13. Costa J, Fort J , Su ol J J, Roura P, Viera G, Bertran E   Thermal desorption of H in Si and SiC nanoparticles grown by PECVP,
       in Hydrogen in semiconductors and metals (MRS, Warrendale, USA) Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 513, 427-432 (1998) 1   2   3   4   5   6  

12. Fort J, Jou D, Llebot J E Measurable temperatures in nonequilibrium radiative systems Physica A 248, 97-110 (1998) Erratum
11. Fort J, Llebot J E, Saurina J, Suñol J J A counterintuitive toy: the bird that never falls down Phys. Educ. 33, 98-101 (1998)
10. Fort J, Cukrowski A S Application of information statistical theory to the description of the effect of heat conduction on the chemical reaction rate in gases Acta Phys. Polon. B 29,1633-1646 (1998)
9. Fort J, Llebot J E Information-theoretical derivation of an extended thermodynamical description of radiative systems J. Math. Phys. 39, 345-354 (1998)
8. Cukrowski A S, Fort J, Fritzsche S Thermodynamic description of translational energy relaxation in binary mixtures of dilute gases Polish J. Chem. 71, 1718-1724 (1997)
7. Fort J, González J A,  Llebot J E Information-theoretical derivation of an extension of the Wien displacement law Phys. Lett. A 236, 193-200 (1997)
6. Fort J, Cukrowski A S The effect of the heat flux on chemical reactions in dilute gases Chem. Phys. 222, 59-69 (1997)
5. Fort J Information-theoretical approach to radiative transfer Physica A 243, 275-303 (1997)
4. Fort J, Llebot J E Radiative transfer in the framework of Extended Irreverible Thermodynamics J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 29, 3427-3436 (1996)
3. Fort J, Poch J, Roget E Hydrodynamics of shallow lakes subject to wind: gyres and geometry J. Appl. Math. Mech. (ZAMM) 76, 147-148 (1996)
2. Fort J, Llebot J E Behaviour of entropy in relaxational hydrodynamics Phys. Lett. A 205, 281-286 (1995)
1. Fort J, Vachaspati T Do global string loops collapse to form black holes? Phys. Lett. B 311, 41-46 (1993)

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   Comments: joaquim.fort(AT)