Joaquim Fort
Departament de Física

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Short biography Joaquim Fort (1966) graduated in Physics at the Universitat de Barcelona (1989). Master in Cosmology at Tufts University (USA, 1991) with a Fulbright fellowship. Master in Physics (1993) and PhD in Physics (18/04/1997) at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. Associate professor (since 1999) and full professor (since 16/11/2009) of Physics at the University of Girona. Author of over 130 research papers in scientific journals, including Nature Communications, Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S. (PNAS) and Physical Review Letters. He has directed large research projects on prehistoric simulation, funded by the European Commission (2006-2010) and the Spanish Consolider program (2011-2017). Double ICREA Academia Award in Humanities (2014 and 2021).

Research interests Although initially trained as a physicist, Fort has applied his background to the Humanities during the last two decades. His main contribution has been a new mathematical theory that computes the relative importance of the diffusion of populations and the diffusion of ideas in the spread of the Neolithic in Europe (PNAS 2012). Since year 2014 he has applied his theory to Neolithic transitions in other continents, and since year 2017 to explain the geographic distribution of genetic traits. Previously he worked on a time-delayed theory of the Neolithic transition (since 1999), palaeolithic waves of advance (2004), cohabitation models (since 2007) and age-dependent effects (2010). His present research interests include cultural evolution (since 2011) and language substitution (since 2012). These works have been featured by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Society for American Archaeology, the American Physical Society, the UK Institute of Physics, etc.

2021 ICREA Academia award, Humanities (2022-2026)
2014 ICREA Academia award, Humanities (2015-2020)
2009 Full professor (Catedratic d'universitat), Physics, University of Girona
1999 Associate professor (Professor titular d'universitat), Physics, University of Girona
1997 Ph D (Doctor), Physics, Autonomous University of Barcelona
1993 M Sc (Master), Physics, Autonomous University of Barcelona [2-year degree]
1991 M Sc (Master), Physics, Tufts University, Boston [2-year degree], Fulbright fellowship (beca de La Caixa)
1989 B Sc (Llicenciat), Physics, Universitat de Barcelona [5-year degree]

CONFERENCES (research)

60. Fort J    Cultural transmission in human range expansions and Neolithic estimations
   Mathematical Models in Prehistoric Cultural Evolution workshop, Tohoku University, Sendai (Japan), 26-28/11/2024 [invited talk]
   Organizers: Reseach project 'Mathematical Prehistory of Homo sapiens -Modeling the Cultural Evolution during the Range Expansion of Paleolithic Modern Humans' and Tohoku University

59. Fort J    Interbreeding and demic diffusion in the spread of the Neolithic in Europe
   World Neolithic Congress 2024 (p. 11), Harran University, Sanliurfa (Turkey), 04-08/11/2024 [invited talk by Peter Bellwood, session G03]
   Organizers: Harran University and Instanbul University

58. Fort J    Introduction to the session The spread of farming and herding in different parts of the globe
   World Neolithic Congress 2024, Harran University, Sanliurfa (Turkey), 04-08/11/2024 [organizer, session G13]
   Organizers: Harran University and Instanbul University

57. Fort J    Modelling the spread of the Neolithic in the western Mediterranean
   SIMEP - Social Interactions in Mediterranean Prehistory, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona (Spain), 21-23/10/2024
   Organizer: Institucio Mila i Fontanals (CSIC)

56. Fort J    Introduction to the session Advances in Social Interaction Modelling
   SIMEP - Social Interactions in Mediterranean Prehistory, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona (Spain), 21-23/10/2024 [chairman, session 5]
   Organizer: Institucio Mila i Fontanals (CSIC)

55. Pardo-Gordo S, Fort J    Frente de avance, sumatorios de probabilidad radiocarbonica y velocidades de expansion neolitica en la Peninsula Iberica
   VIII Congreso Internacional del Neolitico en la Peninsula Iberica (p. 118), Universidad de Alcala, Alcala de Henares (Spain), 11-13/09/2024 [talk]
   Organizer: Universidad de Alcala

54. Fort J, Perez-Losada J    Simulating the neolithic spread along the northern Mediterranean coast
   30th EAA annual meeting (p. 569), Rome (Italy), 28-31/08/2024 [invited talk]
   Organizer: European Association of Archaeologists (EAA)

53. Fort J    Neolitico en el Mediterraneo: velocidad, efecto cultural, genetica, mezcla de poblaciones
   Seminario NeoNet "Conexiones en el sur de Europa durante el Neolitico", Universidad de Alcala, Alcala de Henares (Spain), 25-26/04/2024 [invited talk]
   Organizer: Red de investigacion 2022 "Conexiones en el sur de Europa durante el Neolitico -Neonet-" (RED2022-134436-T)

52. Perez-Losada J, Fort J    Diffusion of humans out of Africa and the phonemic diversity cline
   Diffusion-Fundamentals X Conference, Tashkent (Uzbekistan), 06-08/09/2023 [poster]
   Organizers: New Uzbekistan University, Greater Eurasia Research Center & Saxon Academy of Sciences

51. Fort J    What do archaeological and genetic data tell us about the dispersal and interbreeding behaviour of early Mediterranean farmers?
   29th EAA annual meeting (p. 270), Belfast (northern Ireland), 30/08-2/09/2023 [invited talk]
   Organizer: European Association of Archaeologists (EAA)

50. Fort J    The spread of the Neolithic. General laws in prehistory?
   Workshop Environmental conditions in prehistory (c. 10,000 BP - present) - ecology, carrying capacity, and the landscape: integrating regional models and developing global databases'
   Kiel University (Germany), 09/12/2022 [invited talk]. Organizer: ROOTS cluster of excellence

49. Fort J    Two ABM approaches to the spread of the Neolithic in the western Mediterranean
   28th EAA annual meeting (p. 185), Budapest (Hungary), 31/08-03/09/2022 [invited talk]    video
   Organizer: European Association of Archaeologists (EAA)

48. Fort J, Perez-Losada J    An ABM approach to the Neolithic spread in Europe and an ancient genetic cline
   27th EAA annual meeting (p. 200), Kiel (Germany), 06-11/09/2021 [invited talk]
   Organizer: European Association of Archaeologists (EAA)

47. Fort J, Perez-Losada J    Computational modelling of Neolithic spread: Archaeology and Genetics
   48th CAA international conference 'Digital crossroads' (p. 93), Limassol (Cyprus), 14-18/06/2021 [invited talk]
   Organizer: Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA International)

46. Fort J    Demic versus cultural Neolithic diffusion in mainland Europe and Scandinavia: archaeology and genetics
   1st Conference on the Early Neolithic of Europe (p. 4), Barcelona, 06-08/11/2019 [invited talk]
   Organizer: Archaeology of Social Dynamics Research Group, Instituci Mil i Fontanals (CSIC)

45. Fort J    Neolithic spread rates at different scales: Europe and the Near East versus the Mediterranean
   47th CAA international conference (p. 51), Krakow, 23-27/04/2019 [invited talk]    video
   Organizer: Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA International)

44. Fort J, Kohler T A & Blake M    The spread of maize cultivation in America: quantitative analyses
   24th EAA annual meeting (p. 267), Barcelona, 05-08/09/2018 [invited talk]
   Organizer: European Association of Archaeologists (EAA)

43. Fort J    The spread of the Neolithic in Europe: simulations versus archaeological and genetic data
   24th EAA annual meeting (p. 183), Barcelona, 05-08/09/2018    video
   Organizer: European Association of Archaeologists (EAA)

42. Fort J    Diffusion versus dispersal wave-of-advance models and Neolithic spread
   46th CAA international conference (p. 38), abstract (pp. 5 & 58)
   Universitat Tubingen, Germany, 19-23/03/2018 [invited talk]    video
   Organizer: Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA International)

41. Fort J    Demic-cultural models, archaeology and genetics of Neolithic spread
   Workshop Theoretical Models of Cultural Evolution during Modern Human Dispersals
   Meiji University, Tokyo (Japan), 27-29/11/2017 [invited talk]
   Organizers: Cultural History of PaleoAsia project and Meiji University

40. Fort J, Rioja V L, Isern N, Cobo J M    The Neolithic Transition in Europe: Archaeology versus Genetics
   82nd SAA annual meeting (p. 66), Vancouver (Canada), 29/03-02/04/2017 [invited talk]
   Organizer: Society for American Archaeology (SAA)

39. Isern N, Rioja V L, Fort J, Cobo J M    Ancient DNA and the spread of the Neolithic in Europe
   Musee de l'Homme, Paris, 7-9/12/2016 [poster]
   DNA polymorphisms in human populations (pp. 32 & 36)
   Organizer: Franz Manni, National Museum of Natural History (Paris, France)

38. Perez-Losada J, Fort J    Support for a linguistic serial founder effect originating in Africa
   Musee de l Homme, Paris, 7-9/12/2016 [poster]
   DNA polymorphisms in human populations (pp. 32 & 36)
   Organizer: Franz Manni, National Museum of Natural History (Paris, France)

37. de Rioja V, Isern N, Fort J, Cobo J M    Virus therapy of glioblastomas
   Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg, Erlangen (Germany), 25-28/09/2016 [poster]
   Annual meeting of the German Biophysical Society (p. 38)
   Organizer: German Biophysical Society

36. Isern N, Fort J    Neolithic-Mesolithic space competition in northern Europe
   Barcelona, 24-26/05/2016 [poster]
   How wrong is my model? Empirical Challenges in Archaeology, History, and Anthropology
   Organizer: SimulPast Consolider project

35. Fort J    Demic and cultural models of Neolithisation
   University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, 6-7/11/2015 [invited talk]
   22nd Neolithic seminar: modelling the process of Neolithisation
   Organizer: Department of Archaeology, University of Ljubljana

34. Fort J    The Neolithic transition: diffusion of people or diffusion of culture?
   Universtat Dresden (Germany), 24/08/2015 [plenary lecture]
   Diffusion-Fundamentals VI Conference
   Organizers: Technische Universitat Dresden & Sachsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig

33. Fort J    Neolithic transitions: demic or cultural?
   80th SAA annual meeting, San Francisco, 16/4/2015 [invited talk]
   Organizer: Society for American Archaeology (SAA)

32. Fort J    Modelling Neolithic transitions at continental and regional scales
   University College London, 19/2/2015 [invited talk]
   Simulating the Neolithic workshop
   Organizer: Institute of Archaeology, UCL

31. Fort J    Neolithic transitions: demic diffusion, cultural diffusion and cultural evolution
   Imperial College London, 8-9/9/2014 [keynote speaker]
   The connected past meeting 2014
   Organizer: The connected past community

30. Isern N , Fort J, Carvalho A, Gibaja JF, Ibañez JJ.    Early Neolithic in Iberia. Testing the hypotesis of an African entrance
   University of Burgos, 1-7/9/2014 [talk]
   XVII World UISPP Congress
   Organizer: Union International de Sciences Prehistoriques et Protohistoriques (UISSP)

29. Fort J, Jerardino A, Isern N    Demic versus cultural diffusion in the Neolithic transition in Europe and southern Africa
   University of Burgos, 1-7/9/2014 [talk]
   XVII World UISPP Congress
   Organizer: Union International de Sciences Prehistoriques et Protohistoriques (UISSP)

28. Perez-Losada J, Fort J.    Structured-population models of the Neolithic transtition
   University of Burgos, 1-7/9/2014 [poster]
   XVII World UISPP Congress
   Organizer: Union International de Sciences Prehistoriques et Protohistoriques (UISSP)

27. Isern N, Fort J    Modelling cultural shift: Application to language decline and extinction
   Barcelona, 1-5/9/2014 [talk]
   Social Simulation Conference (SSC 2014)-Simulating the Past to Understand Human History (SPUHH)
   Organizer: European Social Simulation Association (ESSA)

26. Fort J, Jerardino A, Isern N, Rondelli B    Population spread and cultural transmission in Neolithic transitions
   Barcelona, 1-5/9/2014 [talk]
   Social Simulation Conference (SSC 2014)-Simulating the Past to Understand Human History (SPUHH)
   Organizer: European Social Simulation Association (ESSA)

25. Fort J Synthesis between demic and cultural diffusion in the Neolithic transition in Europe
   Barcelona, 19 September 2013 [talk]
   European Conference on Complex Systems (ECCS'13), satellite meeting Complex Systems in prehistoric research
   Organizer: The Complex Systems Society.

24. Fort J Simulating expansive phenomena in Archaeology
   Barcelona, 27-28 September 2012 [talk]
   3rd SimulPast plenary workshop
   Organizer: Facultat de Geografia i Historia, Universitat de Barcelona.

23. Amor D R, Fort J Modelling Vesicular Stomatitis Virus infection fronts: the key role of the delay time
   Portland (Oregon, USA), 17-18 Dec 2011 [talk]
   International Symposium on Biomathematics and Ecology
   Organizer: University of Portland.

22. Amor D R, Fort J Cooperation enhancement by probabilistic punishers in a mobile population
   Portland (Oregon, USA), 17-18 Dec 2011 [poster]
   International Symposium on Biomathematics and Ecology
   Organizer: University of Portland.

21. Fort J Modelling the Neolithic transition in the Near East and Europe
   Barcelona, 20 July 2011 [talk]
   SimulPast seminar 'The Neolithic frontier: new models and data for Europe and Asia'
   Organizers: Casa Asia and CSIC.

20. Amor D R, Fort J Effects of punishment in a population of mobile prisoner's dilemma players
   Rutgers (New Jersey, USA), 19-21 Dec 2010 [short talk]
   104th Statistical Mechanics Conference
   Organizer: Rutgers University.

19. Fort J Demic versus cultural diffusion in the Neolithic transition in Europe
   Newcastle, 14-16 April 2010 [talk]
   4th International FEPRE Workshop (Formation of Europe: Prehistoric Population Dynamics and the Roots of Socio-Cultural Diversity)
   Organizer: Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Newcastle University.

18. Isern N, Fort J Realistic dispersion kernels in reaction-dispersion equations. Application to the Neolithic
   Huelva, 10-12 sept 2009 [poster]
   FISES 2009, XVI Congreso de Fisica Estadistica
   Organizer: Universidad de Huelva.

17. Fort J Data and mathematical approaches to the neolithic transition
  Girona, 16 March 2009 [talk]
   3rd International FEPRE Workshop (Formation of Europe: Prehistoric Population Dynamics and the Roots of Socio-Cultural Diversity)
   Organizer: Complex Systems Lab.

16. Fort J Recent progress in modelling human population fronts
   Saint Petersburg (Russia), 6-10 April 2008 [talk]
   2nd International FEPRE Workshop (Formation of Europe: Prehistoric Population Dynamics and the Roots of Socio-Cultural Diversity)
   Organizer: Institute of Material Culture (Russian Academy of Sciences) & Saint Petersburg Univ.

15. Fort J Prospects in mathematical modelling of human migrations
   Manchester (England), 26-27 March 2007 [talk]
   1st International FEPRE Workshop (Formation of Europe: Prehistoric Population Dynamics and the Roots of Socio-Cultural Diversity)
   Organizer: School of Mathematics, Manchester University.

14. Fort J Mathematical models of Neolithisation
   Manchester (England), 26-27 March 2007 [talk]
   1st International FEPRE Workshop (Formation of Europe: Prehistoric Population Dynamics and the Roots of Socio-Cultural Diversity)
   Organizer: School of Mathematics, Manchester University.

13. Pujol T, Fort J, Gonzalez J R, Velayos J Determinacion de los limites en la velocidad de propagacion de los frentes y pulsos de combustion  
   V Jornadas Nacionales de Ingenieria Termodinamica
, Vigo, 14-15 Junio 2007 [talk]     Organizer: Universidad de Vigo
   ISBN: 978-84-95046-31-4, p. 58

12. Pujol T, Fort J, Gonzalez J R, Montoro L, Pelegri M An lisis comparativo sobre diferentes metodos numericos en frentes y pulsos de combustion  
   V Jornadas Nacionales de Ingenieria Termodinamica
, Vigo, 14-15 Junio 2007 [talk]     Organizer: Universidad de Vigo
   ISBN: 978-84-95046-31-4, p.59

11. Pinhasi R, Fort J, Ammerman A J Demic diffusion 35 years later, re-examining the 'Wave of advance' model
   Ljubljana, 10-13/11/2005 [talk]
   12th Neolithic Seminar: Prehistoric Gene Flow and Cognitive Evolution: Inferences on the Neolithisation of Eurasia
   Organizer: Department of Archaeology, University of Ljubljana.

10. Jana D, Fort J On Mott conductivity exponents of pseudo-gap amorphous systems  
   Condensed Matter days 2004
, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong (India), Aug 25-27 2004 [talk]
   Organizer: Dept. of Physics, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong (India)
   Frontiers in Condensed Matter Physics Research, ed. John V. Chang, Nova Science Publishers, New York, pp. 111-128 (2006). ISSN 1-59454-829-3

9. Campos D, Fort J, Mendez V, Ortega-Cejas V Effect of time-delay on reaction-diffusion wavefronts modeling biological invasions
    2nd. International Conference on Mathematical Ecology , Alcala de Henares (Spain), Sept 5-9 2003 [poster]
    Organizer: Universidad de Alcala

8. Fort J, M ndez V, Campos D, Ortega-Cejas V Physical models of biological systems. Theory versus experiment  
   8th. Joint European Thermodynamics Conference, UAB, Bellaterra (Spain), 2003 [talk]
   JETC8 Proceedings, Bellaterra (Barcelona) 2-5 Sept 2003, vol. I, pp. 69-74
   Organizer: Grup de Fisica Estadistica (UAB) & Centre Europeen de Reflexion et d'Etude en Thermodynamique

7. Cukrowski A S, Fort J, Fritzsche S Simple models for nonequilibrium effects in bimolecular chemical reactions in a dilute gas
   14th Marian Smoluchowski Symposium on Statistical Physics, Zakopane (Poland), Sept 9-14 2001 [poster]
   Organizers: Silesian Univ, Jagellonian Univ, Krakow Inst Phys & Katowice Inst Phys
   Acta Phys. Polon. B 33, 1085-1102 (2002). ISBN: 0587-4254

6. Roura P, Costa J, Lopez-de-Miguel M, Garrido B, Fort J , Morante J R, Bertran E    Black-body emission from nanostructured materials
   Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society, Strasbourg (France), 16-19 June 1998 [talk]
   in Light emission from Silicon: Progress towards Si-based optoelectronics (Elsevier), Eur. Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 77 [J. Lumin. 80], 519-522 (1999),
   ISBN: 978-0-08-043604-3

5. Costa J, Fort J, Roura P, Viera G, Bertran E, Froyen L  
   Microstructural study of mechanically allowyed aluminium with nanometer size Silicon Carbide powder
   in Metal Matrix Composites, Proc. 1998 Powder Metallurgy World Congress, Granada (Spain), vol. 5, 110-115 (1998) [talk]
   ISBN: 1-899072-09-8. Oct. 18-22 1998    Organizer: European Powder Metallurgy Association

4. Costa J, Fort J , Roura P, Froyen L, Viera G, Bertran E   
   Mechanical alloying and sintering of aluminum reinforced with SiC nanopowders produced by PECVP
   Advanced Ceramics and Composites Congress, Stuttgart (Germany), Sept. 13-15 1998 [poster]
   Organizer: Univerity of Stuttgart & Max Planck Institute for Materials Research      IEKC6-ACCC 98 Book of abstracts, p.20

3. Costa J, Fort J , Suñol J J, Roura P, Viera G, Bertran E     Thermal desorption of H in Si and SiC nanoparticles grown by PECVP
   Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, San Fracisco (USA), April 13-17 1998 [talk]
   Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 513, 427-432 (1998). ISBN: 0272-9172 1   2   3   4   5   6  

2. Fort J    Information statistics and the effect of heat conduction on the chemical reaction rate in dilute gases
     10th Marian Smoluchowski Symposium on Statistical Physics, Zakopane (Poland), Sept 1-10 1997 [talk]
     Organizer: Jagellonian Universisty & Krak w Institute of Physics
     Acta Phys. Polon. B 29,1633-1646 (1998), ISBN: 0587-4254

1. Roget E, Fort J , Poch J    Hydrodynamics of shallow lakes subject to wind: gyres and geometry
   III International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Hamburg (Germany), July 3-7 1995 [talk]
   Organizer: Gesellschaft fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (GAMM).      ICIAM 95 Book of abstracts, p.418
   ICIAM/GAMM 95 Proceedings, vol. 5: Applied Sciences, especially Mechanics (Akademie Verlag, 1996), 147-148 (ISBN 3-05-501749-8)

5. Scientific Committee member and organizer of the session 'The spread of farming and herding in different parts of the globe', World Neolithic Congress 2024, Harran University, Sanliurfa (Turkey), 04-08/11/2024
4. Scientific Committee member and organizer of the session 'Advances in social interaction modelling', Social Interactions in Mediterranean Prehistory (SIMEP), CSIC, Barcelona (Spain), 21-23/10/2024
3. Program Committee member, Simulating the Past to Understand Human History, Social Simulation Conference 2014, Univ. Autonoma de Barcelona (Spain), 01-05/9/2014
2. Program Committee member, Complex systems in prehistoric research, European Conference on Complex Systems ECCS 13, Barcelona (Spain), 16-20/9/2013
1. President of the organizing committee, Third International FEPRE workshop on the Neolithic transition, Girona (Spain), 16-18/03/2009


15. Fort J Neolithic spread dynamics: archaeology, genetics and linguistics Institute of Modern Languages and Linguistics (IMOLL) and Research Institute of Intelligent Complex Systems, Fudan Univeristy, Shanghai (China), 08/05/2024 [Invited talk by Menghan Zhang]

14. Fort J Neolitic: arqueologia, genetica i models fisics Traces que ens defineixen com a humans. Pint of Science Girona, 23/05/2023

13. Fort J Neolitic: difusio de cultura i de gens. Models quantitatius Cicle de xerrades per a estudiants de Batxillerat. Un dia en la @UdGRecerca Girona, 26/04/2023

12. Fort J Dispersio poblacional a la prehistoria Una historia matematica. Pint of Science Girona, 15/05/2018

11. Fort J Population and cultural dynamics in the Neolithic transition Institute of Archaeology, University College London. London, 23/01/2013 [Invited talk by Stephen Shennan]

10. Fort J Equacions de reaccio-dispersio i aplicacions. Dept Fisica, UdG. Girona, 20/10/2004

9. Fort J Bioinvasions i clima    Cosmocaixa (Museu de la Ciencia). Barcelona, 11/11/2003. Curs: El clima que canvia. Una aproximacio multidisciplinaria al canvi climatic i els seus efectes

8. Fort J Mecànica estadística interdisciplinar: velocitat de fronts biològics, migratoris i culturals. UdG, 24/07/2002. Curs d'estiu "La Fisica del Segle XXI a l'abast de tothom". Fundacio Universitat de Girona-Innovacio i Formacio

7. Fort J    Teoria versus experiments en expansions d'humans, animals i virus, Fac. Ciencies Salut i Vida, Univ. Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, 20/03/2002 [Invited talk by Jaume Bertranpetit]

6. Fort J    Temperature and measurement in quantum systems, Dept. Física, Univ. Autòn. Barcelona, 22/10/1998

5. Fort J    Maximum entropy in chemically reacting systems and radiation, Inst. Phys. Chem., PAS, Warsaw (Poland), 10/11/1997

4. Fort J    Some applictions of information theory in chemical physics, Inst. Chemistry, Pedagogical Univ., Kielce (Poland), 03/11/1997

3. Fort J    Mecànica estadística de no equilibri: aplicacions a la radiació termica, Dept. Fisica, Univ. Girona, 07/06/1997

2. Fort J    The tunneling boundary condition in quantum cosmology, Dept. Física Fonamental, Universitat de Barcelona, 17/01/1991

1. Fort J    Caustics and the Hartle-Hawking wavefunction, Dpt. of Physics and Astronomy, Tufts University, Boston (USA), 06/06/1990

27. Advances in computational simulation of Neolithic spread in Europe: integrating archaeological and ancient genetic data.
Ref.: PID2023-150978NB-C22. MICINN, 01/09/2024-31/12/2027. Call/convocatoria: Proyectos de generacion de conocimiento.
Principal Investigator (PI): Joaquim Fort. 36,375 euro. Number of researchers: 2
26. Conexiones en el sur de Europa durante el Neolitico -Neonet-.
Ref.: RED2022-134436-T. MICINN, 01/06/2023-31/05/2025. Call/convocatoria: Redes de Investigacion.
Principal Investigator (PI): Miriam Cubas. 13,000 euro. Number of researchers: 11
25. TEDAS (Digital technologies for a social Archaeology), PAHEPS (Public Archaeology: Human Evolution, Prehistory and Societies).
Ref: 2021-SGR-00190. 01/01/2022-30/06/2025. Call/convocatoria: Suport a les activitats dels grups de recerca de Catalunya (SGR). AGAUR
Principal Investigator (PI) UdG: J. Fort. 12,000 euro. Number of UdG researchers: 2 (whole consortium: 27 researchers, 60,000 euro, coordinated by P. Gonzalez)
24. ICREA Academia award 2021 Ref: --. ICREA, 01/01/2022-31/12/2026. Call/convocatoria: Academia 2021
Principal Investigator (PI): J. Fort. 200,000 euro. Number of researchers: 1
23. Waves of advance under demic and cultural diffusion: physical models of Neolithic spread
Ref: PID2019-104585GB-I00. MICINN, 01/06/2020-31/05/2024
Call/convocatoria: Programa estatal de generacion de conocimiento y fortalecimiento cientifico y tecnologico del sistema de I+D+i
Principal Investigator (PI): J. Fort. 38,720 euro. Number of researchers: 3
22. Digital technologies for a social Archaeology. Ref: 2017-SGR-243. AGAUR, 01/01/2018-30/09/2021
Call/convocatoria: Suport a les activitats dels grups de recerca de Catalunya (SGR). AGAUR
Principal Investigator (PI) UdG: J. Fort. 10,000 euro. Number of UdG researchers: 5 (whole consortium: 60,328 euro, 25 researchers, coordinated by J.A. Barcelo)
21. Reaction-dispersion-interaction fronts: archaeological, genetic and linguistic applications. Ref: FIS-2016-80200-P. MINECO, 01/01/2017-29/09/2020
Call/convocatoria: Programa estatal de fomento de la investigacion cient tica y tecnologica de excelencia. Subprograma estatal de generacion del conocimiento
Principal Investigator (PI): J. Fort. 36,300 euro. Number of researchers: 2
20. Reaction-diffusion models and interdisciplinary applications. Ref: MPCUdG-2016-054. Universitat de Girona, 01/01/2016-31/12/2018
Call/convocatoria: Ajuts per a la millora de la productivitat cientifica dels grups de recerca
Principal Investigator (PI): J. Fort. 20,000 euro. Number of researchers: 3
19. Digital Neolithic: towards a global understanding of the adoption of agriculture in the World Ref: PIN2015E
Fundaci n BBVA, 23/10/2015-23/10/2017. Call/convocatoria: Ayudas Fundacion BBVA a equipos de investigacion cientifica
Principal Investigator (PI): J. Fort. 59,909.54 euro. Number of researchers: 4
18. ICREA Academia award 2014 Ref: --. ICREA, 01/01/2015-31/12/2020. Call/convocatoria: Academia 2014
Principal Investigator (PI): J. Fort. 200,000 euro. Number of researchers: 1
17. Transport in complex systems group. Ref.: Grup Consolidat 2014-SGR-36
AGAUR, Generalitat de Catalunya, 2014-2017. Call/convocatoria: Suport a Grups de Recerca 2013
Principal Investigator (PI): J. Fort. Number of researchers: 18
16. Front propagation in multidisciplinary complex systems. Ref.: FIS-2012-31307
MEC, 01/01/2013-31/12/2016. Call/convocatoria: Proyectos de investigacion fundamental no orientada 2012
Principal Investigator (PI): J. Fort. 79,560 euro. Number of researchers: 8
15. SIMULPAST. Social and environmental transitions: simulating the past to understand human behavior Ref.: CSD-2010-00034
MICyT-Consolider, 01/01/2011-26/06/2017. Call/convocatoria: Consolider 2010
Principal Investigator (PI): J.Fort. 210,599 euro. Number of UdG researchers: 8 (whole consortium: 2,700,000 euro, 63 researchers, coordinated by M. Madella)
14. Transport in complex systems group Ref.: Grup Consolidat 2009-SGR-374
Generalitat de Catalunya, 29/07/2009-30/04/2013. Call/convocatoria: Suport a Grups de Recerca 2009
Principal Investigator (PI): J. Fort. 44,720 euro. Number of researchers: 15
13. Transport phenomena in interdisciplinary, biological and physical systems. Ref.: FIS-2009-13050
MICyT, 01/01/2010-31/12/2012. . Call/convocatoria: Proyectos de investigacion fundamental no orientada 2009
Principal Investigator (PI): J. Fort. 60,500 euro. Number of researchers: 13
12. FEPRE. The formation of Europe: Prehistoric population dynamics and the roots of socio-cultural diversity Ref.: NEST-28192-FEPRE
European Commission
, 01/09/2006 - 31/08/2010. Call/convocatoria: New and Emerging Science and Techonologies (NEST) 2006
Principal Investigator (PI): J. Fort. 138,000 euro. Number of UdG researchers: 5 (whole consortium: 850,000 euro, 23 researchers, coordinated by A. Shukurov)
11. Propagation dynamics of reaction-dispersal fronts: fundamentals and applications. Ref.: FIS-2006-12296-C02-02
MICyT, 01/01/2007-31/12/2009. Call/convocatoria: Proyectos de investigacion fundamental no orientada 2006
Principal Investigator (PI): J. Fort. 41,140 euro. Number of researchers: 9
10. Grup de Fisica Estadistica
Generalitat de Catalunya, 18/10/2005-31/12/2008, Grup Consolidat SGR-2005-00087
Investigador principal (PI) UdG: J. Fort. 12,360 euro for UdG (whole project: J. Casas-Vázquez, 41,200 euro)
9. Principios de extremo en modelos climaticos MICyT, 2004-2006, REN-2003-00185
Principal Investigator (PI) UdG: J. Fort. 6,600 euro for UdG (whole project: J.E. Llebot, 22,000 euro)
8. Grup de Fisica Estadistica, Generalitat de Catalunya, 2001-2004, Grup consolidat SGR-2001-00186
Principal Investigator (PI) UdG: J. Fort. 3,250 euro for UdG (whole project: J. Casas-Vázquez, 18,500 euro)
7. Principios de extremo en modelos climáticos de baja dimensión, MICyT, 2001-2003, REN-2000-1621-CLI
Principal Investigator (PI) UdG: J. Fort. 8,414 euro for UdG (whole project: J.E. Llebot, 25,630 euro)
6. Termodinamica y mecanica estadistica de sistemas complejos, MICyT, 2001-2003, BFM-2000-0351
Principal Investigator (PI): J. Casas-Vaquez. 9,410,000 pts.
5. Termodinamica extendida de sistemas radiativos en modelos climaticos de baja resolucion, MICyT, 1998-2000, PB-96-0451
Principal Investigator (PI): J. E. Llebot. 1,640,000 pts.
4. Grup de qualitat, CIRIT, 1996, Principal Investigator (PI): J. E. Llebot. 1,500,000 pts.
3. Introducción de la entropía extendida en modelos climáticos de balance de energía, MICyT, 1995-98, CLI-95-1867
Principal Investigator (PI): J. E. Llebot. 4,290,000 pts.
2. Termodinámica extendida: aplicaciones al clima y a la turbulencia, MCyT, 1994-96, PB-93-0553
Principal Investigator (PI): J. E. Llebot. 900,000 pts
1. Estudi físic de l'estany de Banyoles, UAB, 1991, Principal Investigator (PI): J. E. Llebot

5. Fort J    ICREA Academia award (2022-2026)     ICREA, 2021
4. Fort J    ICREA Academia award (2015-2020)     ICREA, 2014
3. Fort J    Movimiento orbital. Determinación de órbitas heliocéntricas ajustadas a observaciones geocéntricas    Fundación Premio Holanda, 1987
2. Fort J    Rendezvous with Comet Halley    European Space Agency, 1985
1. Fábregas N, Fort J    Construcció d'una taula d'aire: fregament, gravetat i col·lisions    CIRIT, 1984

7. Invited researcher (2024)    Research Institute of Intelligent Complex Systems & Institute of Modern Languages and Linguistics, Fudan University, Shanghai (China)
6. Invited researcher (2013)    Institute of Archaeology, University College London
5. Invited researcher (2005)    Cavalli-Sforza Lab, Stanford University
4. Invited researcher (1997)    Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences
3. Research assistantship (1990-91)    National Science Fundation
2. Teaching Assistantship (1989-91)    Tufts University
1. Fulbright fellowship (1989-91)     La Caixa and Fulbright Comission

Evaluator for
· Royal Society. Reviewer of research grants (2017)
· Senior Promotions Panel, University College London. External referee (2012)
· Agencia Nacional de Evaluacion y Prospectiva (ANEP), Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (since 2014)
· Comision Nacional Evaluadora de la Actividad Investigadora (CNEAI), Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (2011-2013)
· Council of Canadian Academies (2011)
· Agencia de Gestio d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR), Generalitat de Catalunya (since 2004)

Reviewer for

· Nature Human Behavior
· Nature Communications
· Nature Ecology and Evolution
· Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) (National Academy of Sciences, USA).
· Journal of Archaeological Science (Elsevier, Netherlands)
· Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory (Springer)
· Human Population Genetics and Genomics (Pivot Publishers)
· Human Biology (Blackwell, UK)
· Munibe (Sociedad de Ciencias Aranzadi)
· Physical Review Letters (American Physics Society, USA).
· Journal of the Royal Society Interface (Royal Society, UK).
· Physical Review E (American Physics Society, USA).
· Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General (Institute of Physics, UK)
· Physica A (Elsevier, Netherlands)
· Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics (Institute of Physics, UK)
· Journal of Physical Chemistry B (American Chemical Society, USA)
· Langmuir (American Chemical Society, USA)
· Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (Springer, Germany)
· Journal of Theoretical Biology (Elsevier, Netherlands)
· Journal of Biogeography (Blackwell, UK)
· Advances in Complex Systems
· Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics (de Gruyter, Germany)
· The Annals of Applied Statistics
· International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (Springer, Germany)
· Chemical Physics Letters (Elsevier)

Journal management
· Human Biology vol. 87, number 3 (Summer 2015).   editor of Special Issue Modeling demic and cultural diffusion , edited by J. Fort, E. Crema and M. Madella
· AAPT free Table of Contents e-mail alerts (2005):   1
· APS free Table of Contents e-mail alerts (2003):   1

4. Victor Lopez de Rioja Population range expansions, with mathematical applications to interacting systems and ancient human genetics
   Doctorat en Medi Ambient, Facultat de Ciencies, UdG, 11/03/2019. Excel.lent Cum Laude
3. Daniel Rodriguez Amor Population and evolutionary dynamics in spatial systems
   Doctorat en Ciencies Experimentals i Sostenibilitat, Facultat de Ciencies, UdG, 28/06/2013. Excel.lent Cum Laude
2. Neus Isern Sardo Front spreading in population dynamics models. Theory and application to the Neolithic transition
   Doctorat en Ciencies Experimentals i Sostenibilitat, Facultat de Ciencies, UdG, 01/12/2011. Excel.lent Cum Laude. Premi extraodinari de doctorat
1. Daniel Campos Moreno, Difusion y propagacion en medios fractales
   Doctorat en Fisica, Facultat de Ciencies, UAB, 16/05/2005. Excel.lent Cum Laude UAB divulg@ Sept 2004

4. Daniel Rodriguez Amor, Velocitat de invasio en casos de solapament generacional   Facultat de Ciencies, UdG, 30/09/2008. poster
3. Neus Isern Sardo, Fronts de reaccio-dispersio per a poblacions neolitiques   Facultat de Ciencies, UdG, 04/10/2007. poster
2. Vicente Ortega Cejas, Frentes de reaccion-difusion aplicados a expansion y extincion de especies biologicas Facultat de Ciencies, UAB, 10/09/2003.
1. Daniel Campos Moreno, Modelos de reaccion-difusion aplicados a procesos temporales y espaciales heterogeneos Facultat de Ciencies, UAB, 02/09/2003.

1. Joan Ruiz Perez, Simulacions amb ordinador de la propagacio de flames
    Enginyeria Tecnica Quimica Industrial. Escola Politecnica Superior, Univ. Girona, 15/07/2002.

15. Asma Wederni, Synthese, caracterisation et etude magnetique des alliages a memoire de forme de type Heusler Ni-Mn-Sn-X (X=Pd, Cu) UdG, 2022. Directors: M. Khitouni (Universit Sfax), J. J. Sunol
14. Guim Aguade, Cancer as a complex adaptive system: Mathematical models of tumor ecology, evolution and development. Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2021. Director: R. Sole
12. Daniel Sanchez, Obtaining advanced oxide thin films at low temperatures by chemical methods. Thermal analysis of thin films. UdG, 2015. Director: J. Farjas
11. Bruna Comas, Downward flame front spread in thin solid fuels: theory and experiments. UdG, 14/07/2014. Director: T. Pujol
10. Ruben J. Requejo, On the influence of resources use and destruction on the evolution of cooperation. UAB, 18/09/2012. Directors: J. Camacho and D. Jou
9. Xavier Alvarez, Transport de calor en els regims difusiu i balistic. Aplicacio a nanosistemes. UAB, 2009. Director: D. Jou
8. Kate Davison, The Neolithic in Europe. Mathematical modelling and radiocarbon data. Newcastle University, 2008. Directors: A. Shukurov, G. Sarson and P. Dolukhanov
7. Xavier Sanchez, Processos convectius en un sistema aquatic natural. UdG, 2008. Directora: E. Roget
6. Francesc Forcat, Analisi del camp d'ones internes en sistems limnologics petits. UdG, 2006. Directors: E. Roget and M. Figueroa
5. German Izquierdo, Amplificacio de les ones gravitatories primordials en els diferents periodes cosmologics. UAB, 2005. Director: D. Pav n
4. Joaquim Perez-Losada, A deterministic model for lake clarity. Application to management of lake Tahoe. UdG, 2001. Directors: E. Roget and G. Schladow
3. Toni Pujol, Principis extremals i temps de retard en models termodinàmics del clima. UdG, 1999. Director: J. E. Llebot
2. Vicenc Mendez, Fenomens de reaccio-difusio hiperbolics no-lineals. UAB, 1998. Director: J. E. Llebot
1. Raquel Domínguez, Nonequilibrium equations of state: Theory and application to the study of anisotropic radiation. UAB, 1997. Directors: D. Jou and J. Casas-Vázquez


6. Fort J, Saurina J, Suñol J J, Ubeda U     Manual de Fisica Basica per a la Universitat  
    Publ. Universitat de Girona    1ª ed. electr nica, 2005      ISBN: 84-8458-218-3       155 pàgs.       Diposit legal: GI-1006-2005

5. Fort J, Saurina J, Suñol J J, Ubeda U     Fisica Basica
    Publ. Universitat de Girona    1ª ed., 2000      ISBN: 84-95138-91-3      141 pàgs.       Diposit legal: B-9129-2000

4. Berlanga R, Calbó J, Escoda L, Farjas J, Fort J, González J A, Mascort J, Pérez J, Saurina J, Suñol J J, Úbeda E
    Practiques de Fisica. Enginyeries tècniques agrícoles. Arquitectura tècnica
    Publ. Universitat de Girona   1ª ed., 2000           ISBN: 84-8458-029-6      113 pàgs.      Diposit legal: B-42970-2000

3. Berlanga R, Calbó J, Escoda L, Farjas J, Fort J, González J A, Mascort J, Pérez J, Saurina J, Suñol J J, Úbeda E
    Practiques de Fisica. Enginyeries tècniques industrials. Enginyeria Industrial
    Publ. Universitat de Girona    1ª ed., 2000           ISBN: 84-6458-028-8      161 pàgs.      Diposit legal: B-42971-2000

2. Berlanga R, Calbó J, Escoda L, Farjas J, Fort J, González J A, Mascort J, Pérez J, Saurina J, Suñol J J, Úbeda E
   Practiques de Fisica. Enginyeries tècniques informàtiques
    Publ. Universitat de Girona    1ª ed., 2000           ISBN: 84-8458-027-X      72 pàgs.      Diposit legal: B-42972-2000

1. Berlanga R, Calbó J, Escoda L, Farjas J, Fort J, González J A, Mascort J, Pérez J, Saurina J, Suñol J J, Úbeda E
    Practiques de Fisica   Edicio actual electronica gratuita
    Publ. Universitat de Girona     1ª ed., 1998  ISBN: 84-88762-95-X  108 pàgs.     Diposit legal: B-11.589-1997
                                                      2ª ed., 1999  ISBN: 84-95138-60-3  135 pàgs.      Diposit legal: B-33780-1999

Faculty of Physics
Univ Barcelona
BCN, Cat, Spain 
B Sc       1989
Physics Dpt
Tufts University
Boston, Mass, USA
M Sc       1991
Maths Dpt  
Univ Politèc Cat
Girona, Cat, Spain
Physics Dpt
Univ Autòn Bar
Gir/BCN, Cat, Spain
M Sc      1993
Ph D       1997
   Ind Eng Dpt
Univ de Girona
Girona, Cat, Spain
Inst Chem Phys
Polish Acad Sc
Warsaw, Poland
   Physics Dpt 
Univ de Girona
 Girona, Cat, Spain
TU*  1999,  CU*  2009
Generalitat de Catalunya
ARA**    2005
   Genetics & Physics Depts
Stanford University
 S Francisco, Cal, USA
 ACU***  2009
   * TU = Professor Titular d'Universitat (tenured position, equivalent to Associate Professor in the US), CU = Catedratic d'Universitat (tenured position, equivalent to Professor in the US)
   ** ARA = Acreditacio de Recerca Avansada: required by the Catalan law to become Catedratic (tenured position)
   *** ACU = Acreditacion de Catedratico de Universidad: required by the Spanish law to attain the tenured position equivalent to Professor in the US

   PERIOD              TOPIC        CENTRE(S)          KEYOWRDS            TEAM
1989-91           Cosmology   Tufts University   Cosmic strings, 
  quantum cosmology
  J. Fort, T. Vachaspati, A. Vilenkin
1991-93    Physical  Limnology   Universitat Autònoma 
  de Barcelona (Girona)
  Fluid mechanics, 
  J. Fort, J. Poch, E. Roget
1993-02      Thermodynamics 
  and statistical physics
  Universitat de Girona, 
  Universitat Autònoma 
  de Barcelona 
  Extended Irreversible 
  Radiative transfer,
A.S. Cukrowski, J. Fort, D. Jou, J.E. Llebot, R. Luzzi, A. Vasconcellos
1998-00      Materials Science   Universitat de Girona    Nanoparticles,
   Hydrogen desorption
  J. Costa, J. Fort, P. Roura
1998-04   Reaction-diffusion  
  Universitat de Girona, 
  Universitat Autònoma
  de Barcelona
  D. Campos, J. Fort, V. Méndez, V. Ortega-Cejas
2000-04       Surface tension   Universitat de Girona    Drops, slipping   J. Fort, P. Roura
2001-       Complex Systems   Universitat de Girona    Population invasions
  A.A. Ammerman, D.R. Amor, L.L. Cavalli-Sforza, V.L. de Rioja, J. Fort, N. Isern, J. P rez-Losada, J. Zilhao

CONFERENCES (teaching)

7. Fort J Uso de ordenadores en practicas de Electrostatica para estudios de Ingenieria Informatica
   EDUNOVATIC 2022. Madrid 14-15/12/2022

6. Fort J Electricidad domestica e incendios: un tema descuidado
   EDUNOVATIC 2022. Madrid 14-15/12/2022

5. Perez-Losada J, Fort J How Much is Much? Using smart phones to assess student (and course) performance
   Barcelona, 27-29 October 2013 [talk]
   4th World Conference on Learning, Teaching and Educational Leadership
   Organizer: University of Barcelona.

4. Perez-Losada J, Fort J Using smart phones to enhance undergraduate learning in laboratory classes
   The university: an institution of society. ISBN: 978-84-695-4073-2
   Barcelona, 4-6 July 2012 [talk]
   International Congress on University Teaching and Innovation (7th CIDIU)
   Organizer: Universitat Pompeu Fabra.

3. Suñol J J, Fort J Física Aplicada. Normativa electrotécnica
   XXVIII Reunion bienal de la RSEF y 11 Encuentro iberico para la enseñanza de la Fisica, Sevilla (Spain), 24-27 Jul 2001, vol. II, pp. 367-368 (2001) [talk]
   ISBN: 84-932150-0-7     0   1   2   3   4   5   6  
   Organizer: Real Sociedad Espanola de Fisica

2. Suñol J J, Fort J, Ubeda E Transicion a la Universidad: Ensenanza de la Fisica
   IX Congreso de Innovacion Educativa en las Ensenanzas Tecnicas , Vigo (Spain), 23-27 Jul 2001, vol. 2, pp. 1523-1533 (2001) [talk]
   ISBN: 84-699-5659-2     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  
   Organizer: Conferencia de Directores de Ingenieria Tecnica Industrial y Escuela Universitaria de Ingenieria Tecnica Industrial de Vigo

1. Suñol J J, Fort J, Ubeda E, Casas-Vazquez J An innovative strategy for the transition to university Physics courses
   ISBN: 84-699-4416-9   cover   index   abstract
   Physics Teacher Education beyond 2000, Barcelona (Spain), Aug 27 - Sept 1 2000 [poster]
   Organizers: Int. Commission on Phys. Educ. (Int. Union on Pure & Appl. Phys.) & Groupe Int. de Recherche sur l'Enseignement de la Physique

           CURS           ASSIGNATURA              ESTUDIS              CENTRE
1989-90 (2 grups); 90-91 (2 grups) Physics 1 Lab  Fisica (30 hores/grup)  Tufts Univ (Boston)
1989-90 (2 grups); 90-91 (2 grups) Physics 2 Lab  Fisica (30 hores/grup)  Tufts Univ (Boston)
1991-92 Teoria i problemes de Fisica  Farmacia i Biologia (90 hores)  UAB (Gi)
1991-92 Teoria de Calcul  Informatica (90 hores)  UPC (Gi)
1991-92 (2 grups) Problemes d'Algebra  Arquitectura Tecnica (30 h/grup)  UPC (Gi)
1991-92 (1 grup);
1992-93 (2 grups)
Problemes de Calcul  Arquitectura Tecnica (60 h/grup)  UPC (Gi);
  Univ Girona
1992-93 Problemes de Calcul  Eng Tecnica Agr cola (60 hores)  Univ Girona
1992-93 Practiques de Fisica  Quimica (90 hores)  Univ Girona
1993-94 Problemes de Fisica aplicada a l'Arquitectura  Arquitectura T cnica (30 hores)  Univ Girona
1993-94 (30 hores); 2001-02 (8 hores)
Practiques d'Ampliació de Física
  Eng.Tèc.Ind.Quimica i Mecànica
  Univ Girona
1993-94 (165 hores); 94-95 (120h); 95-96 (120h); 96-97 (180h); 98-99 (150h); 2000-01 (105h); 01-02 (95h); 02-03 (120h); 03-04 (135h); 04-05 (95h); 05-06 (110h); 06-07(45h); 07-08 (45h); 08-09 (45h); 2011-12 (30h); 2012-13 (50h); 2013-14 (77h); 2014-15 (26.5h); 2015-16 (20h); 2016-17 (10h); 2017-18 (10h); 2018-19 (13h); 2021-22 (117h) Practiques de Fisica,
Fisica I,
Fisica II
i Fonaments Fisics
  Enginyeries tecniques i 
  superiors variades, i  
  Arquitectua Tecnica
  Univ Girona
 1993-94  Problemes de Fisica I    Eng Tec Quimica Ind (15 hores)   Univ Girona
 1994-95 (2 grups); 95-96 (2 grups);
  1997-98 (1 grup)
Teoria i problemes de Fisica I   Enginyeria Tecnica en Ind stries
  Agropecuaries (45 hores/grup)
  Univ Girona
 1996-97 Termodinàmica de sistemes fora de l'equilibri   Doctorat (6 hores)   Univ Girona
 1997-98 (90 hores);
  2005-06, 06-07, 07-08; 08-09 (45 hores)
Teoria i problemes de Fisica aplicada a l'Arquitectura   Arquitectura Tecnica   Univ Girona
 1997-98 Teoria i problemes de Fisica II     Enginyeria Industrial (60 hores)   Univ Girona
 1998-99 Teoria i problemes de Fisica I   Enginyeria Industrial (60 hores)   Univ Girona
 1999-2000; 2001-02 Transformacions estructurals en materials   Doctorat (15 hores)   Univ Girona
 1999-2000; 2000-01 Teoria i problemes de Fisica   Enginyeria Tecnica en
  Informatica de Sistemes (60 h)
  Univ Girona
 1999-2000; 2000-01 Teoria i problemes de Fisica II   Enginyeria Tec. Mecanica (25 hores)   Univ Girona
 1999-2000, 2000-01, 01-02 (60 hores);
  2002-03 (38 hores)
Teoria i problemes de Fisica I   Enginyeria Tecnica en  
  Quimica Industrial (60 h)
  Univ Girona
1999-2000; 2000-01; 01-02; 02-03; 03-04; 04-05; 05-06; 06-07; 07-08; 08-09 Teoria i problemes de Fisica B sica   Enginyeries Tecniques Industrials, Informatica i Arquitectura (60 hores)   Univ Girona
 2000-01 Tecniques d'analisi termica  Doctorat (10 hores)  Univ Girona
 2001-02 Teniques aplicades a l'analisi ambiental i cl nica  Doctorat (4 hores)  Univ Girona
 2002-03 Fronts de reaccio difusio. Aplicacions quimiques, biologiques, fisiques i interdisciplinaries  Doctorat (13 hores)  Univ Girona
 2003-04 (2 grups) Problemes de Fonaments Fisics de l'Agricultura  Enginyeria Tecnica Agricola
(15 hores/grup)
 Univ Girona
 2003-04 (2 grups) Problemes de Fonaments Fisics de la Informatica  Enginyeria Tecnica Informatica
(15 hores/grup)
 Univ Girona
 2002-03; 03-04; 04-05; 06-07 Biofisica  Doctorat (10 hores)  UAB
 2007-08 Iniciacio al laboratori de recerca  Llicenciatura en Fisica,
opativa de darrer curs (30 hores)
 2004-05 Teoria i problemes de Fonaments Fisics de l'Enginyeria  Enginyeria Tecnica en Mecanica
(45 hores)
 Univ Girona
 2004-05; 05-06; 06-07; 07-08; 08-09; 09-10; 10-11; 11-12; 12-13 Resolucio de problemes d'Enginyeria  Enginyeria Industrial,
optativa de 3r curs (20 hores)
 Univ Girona
 2006-07; 07-08; 08-09; 09-10; 10-11; 11-12; 12-13; 13-14; 14-15; 15-16 Modelitzacio i simulacio ambientals  Master oficial (10 hores)  Univ Girona
 2006-07; 07-08; 08-09; 09-10; 10-11; 11-12; 12-13 Invasions biologiques  Master oficial (15 hores)  Univ Girona
 2009-10; 10-11; 11-12; 12-13 Mesures de contaminacio fisica  Master oficial (15 hores)  Univ Girona
 2009-10; 11-12 (2 grups teoria 30 hores + 3 grups problemes 22.5 hores = 127.5 hores)
 2010-11 (2 grups teoria 30 hores + 2 grups problemes 22.5 hores = 105 hores)
 2012-13 (1 grup teoria 30 hores + 2 grups problemes 22.5 hores = 75 hores)
 2013-14 (1 grup teoria 30 hores + 2 grups problemes 22.5 hores = 75 hores)
Fonaments de Fisica 2  Arquitectura Tecnica  Univ Girona
 2013-14; 14-15; 15-16; 16-17; 17-18; 18-19; 19-20; 20-21; 21-22; 22-23 Bases cientifiques del canvi ambiental  Master oficial (10 hores)  Univ Girona
 2021-22 (1 grup teoria 28 hores + 2 grups problemes 8.5 hores = 45 hores)
Fisica i Electronica  Enginyeria informatica  Univ Girona

5 sexeneis de recerca (estatals i autonomics): 1991/92-97, 1998-2003, 2004-9, 2010-15, 2016-21.
6 quinquenis docents estatals: 1990/91-95, 1996-2000, 2001-05, 2006-10, 2011-15, 2016-20.
6 quinquenis docents autonomics: 1990/91-95, 1996-2000, 2001-05, 2006-10, 2011-15, 2016-2022.
10 trienis: 16/9/1991-15/9/1994, 16/9/1994-15/9/1997, 16/9/1997-15/9/2000, 16/9/2000-15/9/2003, 16/9/2003-15/9/2006, 16/9/2006-15/9/2009, 16/9/2009-15/9/2012, 16/9/2012-15/9/2015, 15/9/2015-14/9/2018; 14/09/2018-13/09/2021 (dedicacio: 1640 hores/any).
Valoracio excel.lent (A+) de la satisfaccio dels estudiants en el quinquenni 2001-2005 (resolucio de la Comissio d'Avaluacio Universitaria (CAU) de la docencia de la UdG, 20/04/2006).

Investigador principal del Grup de Sistemes Complexos de la Universitat de Girona (UdG) (22/09/2006-actualitat)
Secretari del dept de Fisica, UdG (21/02/2003-07/06/2004; 07/06/2004-13/04/2007).
Director del dept de Fisica, UdG (29/02/2004-07/06/2004).
Coordinador de l'area de Fisica Aplicada, UdG (30/06/2002-30/06/2003).
Tutor d'alumnes de primer d'Eng. Tec. Quimica (1999/00, 00/01, 01/02).
Membre de la comisssio de Biblioteca de la UdG (1999-2001).

Membre de tribunals de projectes fi de carrera UdG:
Eng. Industrial (2006-07)
Eng. Tec. en Mecanica (2003-04, 2004-05)
Eng. Tec. en Quimica Industrial (2002-03, 2003-04)

Membre de Consells d'Estudi de la UdG:
Eng. Tec. en Industries Agraries i Agroalimentaries (1994-95, 1995-96, 2003-04, 2008-09, 2009-10, 2010-11)
Eng. Tec. en Explotacions Agropecuaries (2008-09, 2009-10, 2010-11)
Arquitectura Tecnica (1996-97, 1997-98)
Eng. Industrial (1997-98, 1998-99)
Eng. Tec en Quimica Industrial (1999-2000, 2000-01, 2002-03, 2003-04, 2004-05)
Eng. Tec en Informatica de Sistemes (1999-2000, 2000-2001)
Eng. Tec en Mecanica (2004-05; 2005-06; 2006-07)

Membre de la comissio de l'EPS que es va reunir amb el comite d'avaluacio externa dels estudis de:
Eng. Tec. Mecanica (2005)
Eng. Tec. Electronica (2005)
Eng. Industrial (1998)

  Teoria: Fisica Basica , Electromagnetisme i termodinamica (ETQI, pla vell)
  Problemes: Resolucio de problemes d'enginyeria (optativa 3r Eng Ind) , ETIM , ETA , EInf
  Practiques: Transparencies  

  Main page

   Comments: joaquim.fort(AT)